LITA Founder- Dr. Shawn

Dr. Shawn Miller

(CEO & Founder)

Biogenesis, Karana Kriya Yogi, Essene Arch Bishop, Doctor of Chiropractic, Author and Global Speaker on: Biogenic Living, Natures Law, Reversing the Aging Process, Secrets to the Mysteries of the Universe, Ancient Healing, and Natural Health.

Dr. Shawn as everyone calls him, started his health journey at 15, giving up all candy, cake, ice cream, chocolate, sugar, sweets etc, all refined and processed foods. He became plant based vegetarian at 24 and raw living food vegan at 30. He was in private practice for over 16 years, while personally serving and delivery over 250,000 healing adjustments and treatments.

He met his (spiritual) teacher, Dr. David John Carmos, (a master yogi and world-class healer) at 30 and was taught and later became a disciple into the yogic sciences, art, and philosophy. Initially he studied yoga 5 hours a day for over 3 years. While still having a full time healing practice, he would get up at 3:00am to accomplish over 5000 hours of yoga, meditation and pranayama in the first few years of his studies. The desired goal was to open up all the physical blocks, cleanse and clean out all the residue in the body and organs of elimination (kidneys, intestines, liver, lungs and skin) and create a mind of inner peace and harmony.

His studies included the 8 limbs of yoga as described by Patanjali over 2000 years ago. He studied the Yoga Sutras which tell about the different theories and practices that come under the ancient Yogic Sciences. He practiced ‘ASHTANGA’ (‘ASTA’ is 8 and ‘ANGA’ is angle or limbs) These 8 limbs (or steps) of yoga bring us to a place that the yogis call SAMADHI, a state of perpetual bliss and balance of mind body and spirit. The highest state of mental concentration that people can achieve while still bound to the physical body and which unites them with the highest reality. The experience of SAMADHI (spiritual enlightenment) is when the self, the mind, and the object of meditation merge together into one.

He was introduced to the writing in the Dead Sea Scrolls, about a group of mystics living in the Holy Land in biblical times. They knew the secrets of health. As an entire community, the Essenes lived to an average age of 120 years, when the average age of others at that time, in the Holy Land, was only 38 years of age.

The Essenes knew of the Universal (and YOUniversal) mysteries, how to heal and how to live according to the laws of nature. Creating balance, harmony, joy, prosperity and abundance throughout their lives and for those around them.

Dr Shawn got involved with the Essenes and after being ordained as a minister, he later was consecrated a bishop by Dr Gary White and later became Co Archbishop of the Essenes. The Essenes are a group with deep spiritual understanding of Natural Law and how to live according to the laws of nature, they have no religious dogma.

After leaving private practice and co authoring three books, Dr Shawn traveled around North America from Toronto to California, speaking at conferences, interviews on network television, keynote presentations at expos, and festivals, guest lecturer at universities, speaking with and guiding doctors and colleagues from acupuncturists to medical doctors, as well as healers and those interested in longevity, reversing the aging process and the healing secrets of the Essenes.

In his effort to share his message, he has been at the forefront of the natural health movement for years, sharing his information, knowledge and wisdom. His goal has been to serve and assist as many people as divinely possible towards optimal health and spiritual well-being. Awakening within ourselves, the unlimited potential we all have in the development of mind, body and soul. Finding love for our self, and love for the world around us. This global project, ‘love is the answer’ is a continuation!

He has shared that the more we focus on the wonders around us and within us, the less taste we have for destructive practices that may temporarily leave our ego satiated, though, leave us in a state of perpetual struggle and suffering. Feeling anxious, depressed, with very little joy, in a state of ‘dis-ease’, as our health declines as we age. By learning how to live in accordance with the laws of nature, we learn to create balance in our mind body and spirit. He often says, “life should be like a candle, burning bright at one end and just as bright at the other end, then a few flickers, and we move on”. Though most people live in a way, where their ‘light’ (health and joy in mind body and spirit) declines and diminishes as we age.

There is a wonderful saying of Buddha, “Truth is but one, the sages speak of it through many names” Even Einstein suggested,” I want to know Gds thoughts, the rest are details’ The one quality that all the great spiritual masters and teachers all spoke of was LOVE! Gandhi expressed that “love is a force that has power”. Love is the umbrella that expands and covers all aspects of our human experience and teaches us that when we can truly love ourselves, we can truly love others. Learning how to take care of ourselves and the Gd within, we are able to release the ego and gain access to higher experiences of consciousness and connection.

Learning to care for our Mother (Earth) and all our Brothers and Sisters, including our connection to ALL of Earth’s sacred wonders, the Animals, the Environment, the Oceans, the Lakes and Rivers, the Great Mountains, the precious Air we breathe etc..we live in accordance with the laws of nature and puts us in balance within our our body mind and the world around us.

LITA Pattern
LITA Pattern