Raising Global Consciousness through
the Power of Love.

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The Social Solution...

Social Media with Heart.

A Social Media Platform built on love! Replacing the love of power with the power of love. With YOUniversal wisdom as our guide! A Mother Earth of Global Peace, Brother Integrity and Sister Compassion. With Humankind(ness), Inner-Balance and World Harmony. Respecting and caring for all our precious resources, our animal friends and each other! Raising global consciousness through the power of love.

Create, Share, Support, Inspire, Illuminate and Empower each other! Find Connection, Community, Love and Friendship. Join the Evolution! Regardless the question, LOVE is the answer!!

Social Media, built on Authentic Connection.
In todays environment, building meaningful online connections based on compassion and love is getting harder to find. The world needs love. We can start echoing love and joy to each other, raising global consciousness through our unique and easy to use Social Platform. Follow and build conscious connections with people across the globe.

If not now…When?
If not us…WHO?

"We didn't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we are
borrowing it from our children" (Chief Seattle)

Raising Global Consciousness through the Power of Love

As Rumi, a 13th century great Sufi Mystic and poet in the Persian language once suggested, “Stop acting so small, YOU are the universe in ecstatic motion, set your life on fire, and seek those who fan your flames! …. Be certain that in the religion of love, there are no believers and unbelievers, LOVE embraces ALL… Through love, bitter things seem sweet… LOVE is the bridge between you and everything… LOVE is the whole thing, we are only pieces.

How it Works... Join the LOVEolution

Through our easy to use social network, create genuine connection worldwide! Inspire others, share knowledge, discover your passion for global peace and harmony.

Find community, follow friends and those who inspire you. Within our platform you can ‘ECHO’ your message to the world, discover ways to challenge your programming, open your heart, follow posts from your hometown or desired area! Check out the top ECHO’S of the day worldwide, and discover that…” Regardless the question…LOVE is the Answer!

Individually, and collectively, we can raise the consciousness of the people of this planet so that each of us will be viewed as members of the same family who are here to claim their birth right of unconditional love and oneness. If we don't do it, who will?

Sisterlove - The Hypnotist
LITA- Five Pillars Love
LITA- Five Pillars Love

Expand your community.

Follow your Heart • Create Peace • Fall in Love • Show Gratitude • Enjoy the Little Things • Dream Big • Believe in Miracles • Discover your Passion • Be Spontaneous • Embrace every Possibility • Believe in Yourself • Your life is NOW! 

Membership & Courses

LITA Plus is a portal for Monthly Membership Experience
as well as empowering educational courses. Learn More.

Expanding Potential in your Mind, Body & Spirit

Through our monthly membership experience & inspiring online courses, discover how to easily balance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being! Through our specialized courses, learn all about ancient healing, natural health, metaphysics, philosophy, and spiritual development. Realize your unlimited potential, and find connection to your true essence, your spirit and immortal soul.

“It doesn’t matter what label you put on it… (cancer, heart disease, stroke, back pain, neck pain, depression, etc.). It only means one thing, and that is…. Something in the system is out of balance. All we have to do is restore balance! We CAN restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. As we live according to the laws of nature we move closer to Balance all the time.

If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?

-Dr. Shawn Miller CEO (Love is the Answer)


Shop & Get Your Swag On!

Represent LOVE everywhere you go! From T-shirt to Totes, Hats, Mugs & Canvas
Prints. We have everything you need to SPREAD THE LOVE! Shop now!

What others are saying!

Join a global community built on the foundations & principles of global consciousness.
ABOVE ALL LOVE ALL. It’s easy, Get Started.

With LOVE ALL is Possible.

Every now and then a generation is called upon to be great!
That generation is US! and the time is NOW!

— Nelson Mandela

“We may never know how far reaching something when they say, think, or do will affect the lives of millions tomorrow! it is better to light one candle than curse the darkness! Get the BIG idea and all else follows…”

— Dr. BJ Palmer

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Meade


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most.

We ask ourselves...
Who am I to be brilliant, to be gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God!
And you’re playing small doesn’t serve (you) or the world.

We were born to make manifest and (wo)manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
Not in some of us, but in ALL of us!

And as we release our fears and let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give permission for others to do the same.

(from Marianne Williamson's book A Return to Love)


Ready to start Echoing?

"My job is to love, their job is to love,
that's what we are here for - TO LOVE!
Just because someone isn’t doing their job,
doesn’t mean I shouldn't be doing mine."

– Rt Rev Dr. David John Carmos

Spread your message of love to the world!
Inspire, Illuminate, Echo LOVE and join the evolution.
Claim your birthright of unconditional LOVE and ONENESS.


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